It is important to draw attention to this information. The last time the Controllers were doing table-top exercises in 2019 and laying out their processes for how the 2020 Plandemic was going to take place, many of us were not paying full attention or simply thought it was unlikely to happen. Now, many of us have become wide awake and we are all sharing clues and collaborating with one another in an effort to obtain relevant information for how things may play out again in the future.
First, the WEF elites told us that a massive cyber-attack is on the horizon… watch this video to get it directly from the horse’s mouth:
This isn’t meant to scare people, but more to get them to take heed and do what they can to prepare. Now, in addition to this, no doubt, many of my readers have already heard the news that the latest table-top exercise took place in October 2022… this one called Catastrophic Contagion, outlining a coming 2025 ‘pandemic’. It of course featured the same players, such as the World Economic Forum, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the John’s Hopkins University. Included in this meeting were current and former health officials from 10 countries, a few of which have already shown staunch support for the WHO Pandemic Treaty: Senegal, Rwanda, and Germany. According to the exercise, this simulated a pandemic worse than COVID-19 and would disproportionately affect children and young people. To directly quote the notes from the exercise, “To successfully contain such an outbreak, decisive and bold action would need to be taken in the face of incomplete data, high scientific uncertainty, and potential political resistance.”
Further quotes: “The exercise raised a pivotal question: If future pandemics have a much higher lethality than COVID-19, or for example, if they affect predominantly children, would or should countries take different, stronger, earlier measures to contain it, and what are those measures?
These are not purely public health and scientific decisions; they will be made by leaders in the context of political, economic, and social realities that can be anticipated and considered in advance.”
Lastly, and the website highlights this in bold:
"Countries should establish a global network of professional public health leaders who can work together to improve epidemic preparedness and response and strive for consensus on scientific issues in advance of the next major outbreak.”
When evil tells you what they are going to do, believe them!
So how are they going to establish this global communication network? This is what I want to highlight… many of us already knew about the latest mother WEFer exercise, but not this tidbit: The partnership that took place last July, just before this exercise, is between the Rockefeller Foundation’s Pandemic Prevention Institute and the Pasteur Network. The intent is to Strengthen Global Disease Surveillance. What a likely partnership!
Again, to quote directly from the website:
“[The] Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to advance early detection and reporting for emerging and reemerging diseases and build a robust decentralized global surveillance network that strengthens local capacity for sharing high-quality data across countries. The collaboration aims to enhance the effectiveness of the Pandemic Prevention Institute and the Pasteur Network’s 33 member institutions in both addressing infectious diseases, such as Covid-19 and monkeypox, and informing interventions against them.”
Interesting… sounds to me like this is a well-coordinated effort to roll out another Plandemic and that the CONVID job was just a test run. If anyone is interested in the list of players that attended the table-top exercise, find that HERE.
Bill Gates has already TOLD us that there WILL be another ‘Pandemic’ and has also stated that we didn’t take the first one seriously… we won’t be taking this one seriously either, Billy Boy.
Before I close out, I want to note that I believe that there seems to be a consolidation of both the cyber-security and Catastrophic Contagion exercises. It would explain why there is a push for things like Digital ID and SMART health cards, making it more difficult for people to slip through the cracks. At any rate, the last time there was this push for a similar exercise, we seen the roll-out of the Plandemic within just a few months. They are likely getting the infrastructure together now and solidifying it for the next time, taking what they learned over the last few years and making tweaks. Humanity cannot collectively capitulate this time and we are better informed and more aware of how these slimy bastards operate. Again, this is not to spread fear or blackpill people, but to create an awareness surrounding the information so that we can collectively move against it.
I should further add that this is EXACTLY why it is of extreme importance to get out in front of this by waking people up to the germ theory lie. The idea of contagion alone does nothing but stoke unnecessary fear. Our lives and our world were torn apart by a century-plus-year-old-lie. The Controllers know that a population operating from a sense of fear and ignorance is far easier to manipulate. We do ourselves a disservice by perpetually ignoring the fact that science has never, EVER been able to demonstrate isolation nor transmission of a contagious pathogen. Imagine how amazing it would be if the majority of humanity was hip to this con job and simply said “I won’t participate anymore.” We would remove the power from the Controllers in this regard and put it back into our hands. This is imperative moving forward!!!