An article put out within the last week details allegations of the CDC committing data fraud and manipulation when it comes to vaccine-related cause-of-death. After obtaining several years’ worth of death certificates in the state of Minnesota, the case was made that the CDC is concealing and preventing any references to the COVID vaccine from being listed on the certificates. You can read the full article below:
The article was also published on the Brownstone website:
It would be such a shame if more people were able to obtain death certificates in other areas and see if similar data manipulation is occurring… my guess as to how these were obtained in Minnesota is possibly through a FOI request or some other legal avenue. I may even try to do some of my own intel gathering on this here in my own area and report back.
In addition to this fraudulent practice, I wrote a relevant article a little while back that describes how the medical coding system is also being used to monitor and track vaccination status. Read that one here:
Such a shame.... birth certificates. Think you meant death? Spot on about the manipulation. UK NHS equally guilty. They murdered my father in law with midazolam after a fall and nil by mouth. He got pneumonia and they refused to try intravenous vitamin C as we asked. for deceit and corruption...