Tucker Carlson: "I'm Rupert Murdoch's Bitch"
This, and Other Relevant Quotes from the Man Departing FOX News
"I don’t run around pretending to be a man of the people; I am absolutely not a man of the people, at all” -Tucker Carlson, 2008.
Quotes like this are why I cannot hide my disappointment here… and while I run the risk of sounding a bit ‘attacky’ here, the number of people that are crying about Tucker Carlson’s recent departure from FOX news further demonstrates how many folks are still deeply entrenched in the media and their narratives. I get it… people want hopium to cling to. But after the last several years, how can those who claim to “get it” still be so hopelessly in the dark?! Let’s let the truth speak for itself…
Let’s get one thing straight right off of the bat: FOX News is owned by Rupert Murdoch… let that sink in… the same World Economic Forum participant and globalist proponent who owns NewsCorp and controls several media outlets. Who do you think signs Carlson’s checks? There was a time when Tucker told the Bubba the Love Sponge Show that he was “100% Rupert Murdoch’s bitch”??? Yes, that is a real quote! Pretty ironic coming from a man who rails against elitists… yet he was also quoted saying, “But see, I’m an out-of-the-closet elitist, I don’t run around pretending to be a man of the people; I’m absolutely not a man of the people, at all.” Interesting…
It is pretty interesting that Carlson also invited Rutger Bregman on his show after Bregman made an appearance at the 2019 Davos meeting. Bregman and Carlson take turns making their attempt to attack the elitists, despite Bregman being a participant in the globalist agenda and Carlson being bought and paid for by the same elitists. Eventually, Carlson ends up getting the script flipped on him, prompting a meltdown of epic proportions. The episode never aired but was leaked by Now This Is News.
Going back to Tucker’s appearances on Bubba the Love Sponge, he also made some pretty nasty comments about women and in two appearances, Carlson jokingly downplayed the crimes of cult leader – and convicted child sex offender – Warren Jeffs. Tucker makes an attempt to blur some lines here and claims that Jeffs was not being accused or convicted of wrong-doing. Contrarily, Jeffs was actually convicted in a Texas court and is serving a life sentence for his crimes. It should come as no surprise that Abby Grossberg sued Tucker and FOX for discrimination, citing claims of sexual misconduct and sexist treatment while working for Carlson. I wonder too, do all of the legions of Trump supporters who follow Carlson also know that he called Trump lawyer Sidney Powell a cunt? I do not support Powell myself, but it is still of interest to note comments like this.
Let’s also talk about this whole Dominion lawsuit with Tucker Carlson and FOX. The company settled the defamation lawsuit for a staggering 787.5 million dollars, and within a week Carlson is let go… interesting. Remember when Alex Jones was also sued for defamation when he discussed the possibility of the Sandy Hook shooting being a hoax? Also interesting… Now, I do not support or endorse neither Carlson nor Jones, but I am trying to point out a pattern here and ask the question: are big names in right wing journalism are being used to silence or deter those who would seek to dig deeper? If the little guys who are asking questions about voter fraud or false-flag school shootings see bigger names getting sued for defamation they are going to think twice about making a stink out of things, because they are going to tell themselves that if it can happen to those people, it can certainly happen to them… the result: they decide not to pursue it further and they stay quiet. Mission accomplished!
Can we also ask the question about whether or not these “settlements” are just another way of transferring wealth or a ploy at money-laundering? When a judgement is reached or a settlement is made, that money is untaxable. If they are trying to keep money between one another, they are essentially using the courts to ping-pong the money back and forth. It would not be the first time the courts were used as a sort of payout system… many elitists like Soros and others have set up funds to pay the bail of those who were ‘peacefully protesting’ aka violently rioting and destroying cities. Upon adjudication, that bail money is released to the defendants, not to the organizations who put up the money for their bail. This is a sort of payout system without being directly paid by the organization themself. That is just one example… so asking questions about whether or not these organizations like FOX and Dominion are just bouncing money back and forth is pretty relevant. Think of the settlement as a sort of payout to Dominion for playing their part while the media outlets make a spectacle out of it all. It would be interesting to see a complete list of the stakeholders in both Dominion and FOX News side-by-side to draw comparisons.
Whether or not any of the speculation about the wealth transfers can be proven it does not detract from what is going on as far as the Tucker Carlson debacle. How much of this is just more elaborate theater to keep people divided and arguing over narratives? What role, if any, is Tucker playing to contribute to the divide and conquer tactics? Is the man attempting to build his counter-narrative credibility so that he can re-emerge at a later time and play the hero? Keep in mind that they KNOW that Tucker had the numbers, with his segment being one of the highest rated shows in cable, particularly among viewers 25-54, the demographic group most valued by national advertisers. With that in mind, does it not make more sense that this whole thing is public spectacle and that there is a deeper agenda taking place?? Perhaps we should just ask Rupert Murdoch…