When Tyranny Becomes Law
Couple Arrested by a Dozen Armed Georgia Deputies for Distributing Flyers
It has been over 15 months since the Douglas County Sheriff’s office in Georgia raided a law-abiding couple by the name of Philip (Matt) and Hilary Jacobs and set a bogus warrant for another man, Michael Weaver, who has now been forced to go on the run. Their alleged crime? They exercised their First Amendment rights in the People’s Republic of Douglasville, Georgia. More closely, they distributed flyers with information on them that violates the invisible Government Wrongspeak clause. In other words, you cannot call out the Jewish power structure in American politics (and around the world) without pissing off the ADL and the Powers that Be.
Now, I can see the eye-rolls from here, so you can stop reading if you’d like and accuse me of being a racist antisemite and that’s fine… don’t forget to unsubscribe on your way out :) But whether or not you agree with the message on the flyers does not matter. Hate speech, racist speech, antisemitic speech, etc. etc. is STILL FREE SPEECH. What is more telling, is that none of the information or statistics that were distributed can be refuted or called false. It is all true and factual, so it can’t even be chalked up to defamation or slander. Probably a talk for another time though, huh? Anyways, that is neither here nor there, and pardon the language BUT:
I don’t give a shit what is on the flyers, when we start raiding people with nearly a dozen armed sheriffs over a FUCKING LITTERING CHARGE, we are swimming in dangerous waters.
It is important to mention that there is, in fact, NO grounds for a littering charge to begin with, yet these crooked thugs at the Douglas County Sheriff’s office decided to pursue an arrest warrant anyways. Despite numerous calls and emails to their office to hold them accountable for violating the civil rights of these people, this rogue organization continues to go unpunished and evades accountability for their actions. Why? Because they know what they did was illegal and these folks have the case law to prove it. The Georgia Supreme Court case law of Statesboro Publishing v. City of Sylvania makes it clear that distributing information is not litter. In addition, US Code Title 18, Sections 241 & 242, clearly states that conspiracy against rights and deprivation of rights under color of law is a serious felony. However, it's obvious that these lawless deputies do not care about the law or the Constitution they swore an Oath to uphold.
So where is the outrage?
Where is the accountability? Why aren’t these deputies being forced to account for what they have done? Why doesn’t the media cover this? Where are the free speech groups and activists? Oh, that’s right… free speech is only speech that you support.
So, while this is all happening, a man has been forced to go on the run and his father harassed by law enforcement over his whereabouts… for a trumped-up littering charge. A couple was arrested at their home and jailed, then forced to make bail… for a trumped-up littering charge. Now said charges are being held over their heads while law enforcement exhausts their statute of limitations for filing any proper charges and giving these people a court date… which they won’t do, because they know damned well that this would never hold up in court. This seems to be being done just to keep these people on their toes and scared to distribute in the future. Who would want to stifle this type of information? Hmm…
Let’s now ask: how many other entities use a similar advertising distribution method and are not attacked for doing so? Why, after over a year, have these people not been given a court date? According to Michael Weaver, the sheriffs showed their hand and demonstrated motivation when, instead of claiming Weaver littered, they complained about "anti-Semitism," which, according to Weaver, exposes the ADL's involvement. I absolutely agree here, and for those who are not aware, the ADL has a LOT of involvement in training city councils, school boards, police forces, government agencies, and more. There has been significant pressure from them to go after people like Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs and Mr. Weaver, which can be demonstrated.
For those who have read this far and still have that urge to scream antisemitic conspiracy theory instead of acknowledging the major civil rights violation here, the ADL can also be tied to the Douglas County Sheriff’s publicly. Let’s take a look:
This is Sheriff Tim Pounds, head of the Douglas County Sheriff’s. He and his department have participated in the Georgia International Law Enforcement Exchange (GILEE). This is a program that trains law enforcement officials in the US and other countries, and they have an exclusive partnership with the ADL and the Israeli government.
According to their website, “GILEE is one of the founding members of International Counter-Terrorism Academic Community (ICTAC) which is designed to meet the challenge of learning to network between international organizations to recommend counter-terrorism policies for their respective countries.” Below is a photo of their ADL ties directly from the website.
GILEE even pays for top participants to be selected for a yearly pilgrimage to Israel to be trained there. These delegations typically include high-ranking officials, but the full lists and names are not publicly available. The Atlanta Polica Department and Douglas County Sheriffs have highlighted participation in the past, but again, comprehensive records are not accessible via public record. Perhaps some more FOIA work is required in the future…
Next, meet Major Matt Gray, the man who led the raid that was carried out by the sheriffs against Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs for a misdemeanor littering charge. He and Tim Pounds continue to evade accountability for the actions that their department carried out. It is a shame that as men who swore to uphold an Oath, they chose instead to violate the rights of others. When will Matt Gray and the rest of those present during the illegal raid be held responsible for their carelessness?
Other notable corruption in this case: may I present, Assistant District Attorney Lauren Wallace. She allegedly influenced Judge Susan Camp of Douglas County, Georgia, to raise the Jacobs’ bond for LITTERING to over $30,000. Is that not considered excessive? Meanwhile, Judge Susan Camp gave defendants accused of felony crimes bonds between $5,000 and $10,000. Fun fact: Wallace typically handles felony cases but interjected herself into a misdemeanor littering case that wasn't her case. Odd. I hear that Wallace is now a Superior Court Judge, which should worry anyone in her jurisdiction!
Speaking of Judge Camp… it appears that she initially signed off on the arrest warrant for the Jacobs on November 3rd, yet there appears to be another signature from Magistrate Joel Dodson on the exact same warrant… three days later. Again, odd.

Fortunately, with the help of the Free Expression Foundation and attorney Glenn Allen, these folks are now filing a civil rights lawsuit in federal court, as they damned well should!! The Free Expression Foundation is a fantastic group that has helped with other relevant cases such as the Robert Rundo case, as well as assisting protestors from the now infamous Charlottesville Unite the Right rally. I wanted to cover this because not only is this whole thing unacceptable under the rule of whatever fucked up law we are all supposed to be okay with living under, but these people are also my friends. I am also supportive of the FEF and their work, and I am hoping to help get the message out there a bit more and get this story the attention it deserves.
If any of my readers are so moved, you can make a contribution to the FEF legal fund for the Jacobs’ and Weaver’s civil rights case by going to the website here:
Make sure to leave a note with who you are making the donation for. I wouldn’t ask for donos from people without also supporting the cause personally, so make no mistake that I have already donated myself.
If you can’t donate, please pass on the message by sharing this link, restacking, etc.
Also, some at-home desktop activism can’t hurt… feel free to leave an email for Deputy Sheriff Tim Pounds and let him know that this illegal police action will not be tolerated:
You may also want to throw this in your email:
Sheriff Tim Pounds boasts that he founded the S.C.O.P.E. unit, which declares that their mission statement is to: facilitate better relationships between the Sheriff’s Office and the community by providing resources, education, and training to the employees of the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office and the community.
So why haven't they answered numerous requests for comment regarding the illegal arrest of the Jacobs, and subsequent persecution of Michael Weaver?? Where is the community relations and feedback now, huh??
Anyways, thanks for reading!
WOW. Zionism is expanding everywhere with the full support of the Trumpster. Sickening.
Excellent article. Thank you for all the detail. I just upgraded to paid and for this, it's well worth it because it's all true and that's what the world needs and endless supply of. Related to this...please check out Michael Hoffmen's substack...Trump's Bolshevic America: https://michaelhoffman.substack.com/