It Can't Leak from a Lab if it Does Not Exist!
No Virus in History Has Ever Been Properly Purified/ Isolated
The Germ Theory of disease has long been the epicenter of the way we view and understand how illness occurs in the body of humans and animals. This lie has been handed down and perpetuated for well over a century now, and it is about time people start paying attention!
Although no virus in history has ever been properly purified and isolated, the mainstream Health Freedom movement continues to proclaim that these imaginary particles have been leaked from a lab and are what has caused the Coronavirus pandemic of the last 3 years. However, you cannot leak from a lab that which does not even exist. You cannot have gain-of-function research without having a virus to work with, period.
Clearly, many have still not learned or understood the way that the government and mainstream media outlets work together to craft narratives for the masses. Tell me, if the virus actually existed or leaked from a lab, would we be seeing it all over every news channel? Why are governments and media allowing this information to be released now? What does this do? I will tell you: it gives us the illusion that people will be going down or facing some sort of retribution or punishment and that justice will be served. This is not true. This is only the illusion of justice to keep people pacified and to continue to drag out the germ theory of disease for the next pandemic scare.
Many popular Health Freedom names are refusing to acknowledge that the virus simply does not exist. I am sure there are a plethora of reasons why, including but not limited to: financial interests, losing sponsorships or investors, losing their cult following and popularity, being banned across social media and news outlets, etc etc. It has become somewhat of a taboo subject, and instead of properly addressing the no-virus position, the modus operandi here seems to be to attack the other side of the Health Freedom movement by saying that this argument is either invalid or doing harm to bringing the perpetrators of the Plandemic to justice.
This is simply untrue, of course. How can pointing out that the virus does not and did not ever exist doing anything to harm the argument? If anything, this further reinforces that there were no valid reasons for masking, lockdowns, social distancing, shuttering businesses, harmful therapeutics, vaccines, and everything else attached to this sham. However, it is in the better interest of these liars and shills to co-create a narrative to make everyone who refutes the existence of viruses and the germ theory to look like crazies and try to take away their credibility.
But why?
This is because many in the Health Freedom movement still support the infrastructure of allopathic care and harmful pharmaceuticals that do what: prop up the germ theory. If no virus in history has ever been purified/ isolated, tell me, what the hell are we inoculating ourselves and our children for? Why are we subjecting ourselves to harmful treatments and medicines that do nothing but maim the body and destroy its terrain? If isolation is not even performed in the sense of the word, and you are not actually purifying particles, then you have NOTHING to carefully study and characterize to claim to be the cause of illness or disease. This is a scientific FACT and it needs to be addressed.
It is important to understand this moving forward. I will repeat this again until I am blue in the face… NO VIRUS IN HISTORY HAS EVER BEEN ISOLATED. Not just the SARS-COV-2 virus, NONE OF THEM. This includes:
Chicken Pox
Let me remind the skeptics, that just because you see the physical manifestation of illness or disease DOES NOT prove that a virus actually exists! Ask yourself, if women who hang out regularly in proximity of one another have their menstrual cycles at the same time, is that a virus? If people in the same town are exposed to a chemical or toxin and befall illness that demonstrates the same expression of symptoms (such as a nuclear blast fallout or a derailed train contaminant) is that a virus? Why do people yawn at the same time? Why does seeing another person cry induce crying within certain people? Why does a person who gets drunk with a friend and watches them puke also feel the need to vomit simply from seeing the act do so? Is it because of a magical up-chuck virus? Theses are just a few examples, but I have made my point.
It is important to also remember that I am not trying to give you a replacement for a virus… I do not pretend to know everything, and I am ok with acknowledging that we need to do more work and research to understand the mechanisms of illness and disease. I am not going to definitively tell you what it is, but I am absolutely telling you what it is NOT! However, there are definitely some factors to look at when asking the question, “If it isn’t a virus, then what is making people sick?” Take a look at thing like what are they eating or putting into their bodies? When environmental or medicinal or chemical toxins are they exposed to? What is their exposure level to radiation (both ionizing and non-ionizing)? Everything from household products, to cosmetics, to the type of water we drink affects the terrain of the body. Apart from these considerations, there are also other phenomena to examine, such as bio-resonance, pheromonal effects, pleomorphism, and the role our emotions play in our health. If you can believe in an imaginary floating particle, why is it so hard to believe that there are simply other ways that we get ill that actually exist?
To speak to some of the names in the Health Freedom movement that are doing their best to either stifle or ignore the no-virus position, I urge my readers to take a look at this extensive compilation of the names in question.
Finally, for those still looking to do some research and have some very valid skepticism, because let’s face it, saying that viruses do not exist is an extraordinary claim. I will admit that when I was first approached with this information, I just about laughed outwardly and scoffed at it a bit. However, the information came from a trusted source and from someone that I knew didn’t often say things that they could not adequately back up. So my curiosity was piqued, and I decided to dive in. I can tell you that after spending over 15 years in the realm of healthcare and research, I humbly admit that I was wrong. This is important for me to say, because many people argue with me on this subject and they often tell me that I just want to be right all of the time. NO! Incorrect, and presumptuous… this is the culmination of hundreds of hours of deep dives and research and coming to the conclusion that I was dead wrong and having to humbly admit that. I actually think that those who are capable of admitting they were wrong about something and owning up to it have far more intellectual and emotional integrity than those who cling to an idea simply because they want to save face or can’t handle the criticisms. Shut up and own that shit! This is how we learn! This is how we hold ourselves and each other accountable! This is so important for the realm of knowledge and research as we move forward.
So I will leave you with the resource list. Read it. Use it… and please take it all in before you ask questions, as you will likely have them answered while you are digesting it all and taking it in. This feels better than having me do it for you anyways!
Happy Hunting!
Christine Massey has amassed responses from over 200 institutions around the world that all admit that they have no proof of the existence of viruses. You can find them here:
Watch this video exposing the Germ Theory fallacy from Steve Falconer:
German Biologist Stefan Lanka has proven that Measles does not exist. Here is a brief overview that details the court case he won proving his argument
If you want to understand the cause of disease and illness better, I also suggest this book by Dawn Lester and David Parker titled What Really Makes You Ill? You can find a link to purchase the book by CLICKING HERE.
If you want a better understanding of graphene oxide and the effects of 5G, look no further than this excellent write-up from Demi Pietchell of The Starfire Codes:
Dr. Robert O. Young also does an excellent job of breaking down the graphene oxide poisoning and addressing the contagion myth. Start with this article, where he covers the CDC admitting they have no gold standard for virus isolation:
Here is one for those that complain that none of these are ‘credible sources’ and it comes straight from JAMA. This is the famed Rosenau Experiment, proving that the alleged Spanish Flu was not able to be transferred from one host to another. However, even peer reviewed medical, scientific, or scholarly articles should not be the gold standard for research, as there is a propensity for fraud and other nefarious activities, which I highlighted in an older Substack article:
As a matter of fact, the alleged Spanish Flu is said to be linked to the increase in electrical illness and sensitivity. You can read about this and other related ailments in Arthur Firstenberg’s book The Invisible Rainbow. Find a PDF copy by CLICKING HERE or purchase a hard copy HERE.
There are a plethora of additional sources, but I won’t post them all here. You can follow me on Telegram for access to additional sources in the pinned messages, and I regularly post findings from others in the Health Freedom movement who are having these discussions. The link to my Telegram can be found by CLICKING HERE.
Thank you again for reading and I hope the sources help you get started!
The idea that we have to come up with a single explanation of "what made me/my family/my friends ill if not a virus?" buys totally into the Rockefeller medicine paradigm of "one disease, one cause, one treatment." It's mind-rot anti science which ignores the complexity of life and instead creates a model which ideologically props up Rockefeller chemicals-based "medicine." Few people are aware of the extent to which this paradigm took over the entire field of health subsequent to the 1916 Flexner Report, which was the culmination of a decades long effort which started with the fraudulent work of Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch, financed by big money.
The dissent-health-industrial complex requires the "virus" to exist in order to thrive. It needs the "lab leak bio-weapon" narrative to keep itself going. Many of its celebrities are literally invested in it, e.g. RFK Jr and early detection programs, Steve Kirsch and his Rockefeller-connected Covid Early Treatment Fund and links to the digital ID program and 4IR, Malone and "vaccines,"..... And RFK Jr is all but running for president, and thus wants to push a program which the mainstream corporate media and Big Pharma which funds it to at least not find totally objectionable. He advances the idea of better management of a situation he called "a mismanaged pandemic" in the first chapter of his Fauci book. Maybe Del can be his media person? :-)
And the fans of these celebrities continue to stand by them, because they've become emotionally dependent upon them, believe they have saved their lives and sanity, and fear chaos should the celebrities' game be exposed. They have become addicted to the myth, and need a cold shower of facts. Thanks for helping to do that, Kris!
To my eyes the disclosure that about 200 years of medicine is based on interests and not health is not surprising. Our world has little truth. Persons have truth. We are raised and taught by dead institutions, dead ideas, dead arts and sciences, we dwell among the ruins, we have habituated ourselves to views like life preservers without asking if true. We are not taught to think but to swim in schools like fish.