The idea that we have to come up with a single explanation of "what made me/my family/my friends ill if not a virus?" buys totally into the Rockefeller medicine paradigm of "one disease, one cause, one treatment." It's mind-rot anti science which ignores the complexity of life and instead creates a model which ideologically props up Rockefeller chemicals-based "medicine." Few people are aware of the extent to which this paradigm took over the entire field of health subsequent to the 1916 Flexner Report, which was the culmination of a decades long effort which started with the fraudulent work of Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch, financed by big money.
The dissent-health-industrial complex requires the "virus" to exist in order to thrive. It needs the "lab leak bio-weapon" narrative to keep itself going. Many of its celebrities are literally invested in it, e.g. RFK Jr and early detection programs, Steve Kirsch and his Rockefeller-connected Covid Early Treatment Fund and links to the digital ID program and 4IR, Malone and "vaccines,"..... And RFK Jr is all but running for president, and thus wants to push a program which the mainstream corporate media and Big Pharma which funds it to at least not find totally objectionable. He advances the idea of better management of a situation he called "a mismanaged pandemic" in the first chapter of his Fauci book. Maybe Del can be his media person? :-)
And the fans of these celebrities continue to stand by them, because they've become emotionally dependent upon them, believe they have saved their lives and sanity, and fear chaos should the celebrities' game be exposed. They have become addicted to the myth, and need a cold shower of facts. Thanks for helping to do that, Kris!
Thank you as well! Your work and activism is greatly appreciated. This is how we will win and how we get the truth out there! So many don’t even know what the Flexner report is and how it essentially wiped out holistic practices and replaced them with allopathic models and the germ theory of disease. This was done to peddle their petroleum-based pHARMaceuticals and other harmful substances.
To my eyes the disclosure that about 200 years of medicine is based on interests and not health is not surprising. Our world has little truth. Persons have truth. We are raised and taught by dead institutions, dead ideas, dead arts and sciences, we dwell among the ruins, we have habituated ourselves to views like life preservers without asking if true. We are not taught to think but to swim in schools like fish.
Agreed. The free thinkers or those who have discussions outside of the Overton Window are looked at as crazy or stupid or both. Drawing attention to these matters is something I believe is important for humanity so that we can break free from the societal shackles. Thank you for your comment :)
My only quip is with Robert O. Young. Personally, I find him extremely dodgy. His recent appearance before MD4CE was extremely cringe-worthy/painful. He cites info that is on the level of rumor/hearsay/whack-a-doodle conspiracy theory. He has a bit of a checkered past. I do not ever cite him. I can provide more details if interested.
I can respect and appreciate that. We all have a past, and I don’t think Robert is controlled opposition at this point. If I’m wrong, I will always retract, of course. Thanks for reading! I see your Twitter account is active!
Well, I never said "controlled opposition". I almost never use that phrase, because it relies upon information which is normally hidden (people's motives / funding). I do make an exception for extreme cases like Bigtree/Kennedy and their cohorts in the club of "Virus Pushers Against Clotshots".
I'm not saying that your wrong or anything like that. I'm not tell you who to like or not like.
It's just a personal preference. I try to only cite sources which are rock-solid.
All that stuff about Graphene Oxide in the shots is IMHO extremely dodgy and not well sourced.
He's also into self-assembling nano-robots and injectable computers. (these do not exist) He gets into vaccines a lot, which IMHO should not really be our focus. Clotshots are bad. NO JOKE! "Breaking news". (not) We've known that since early 2021. Of course the Clotshots are poison. Duh.
The MAIN POINT is that the Clotshots are NOT INDICATED because there IS NO VIRUS and there IS NO DISEASE called COVID, and there never was any pandemic.
Here he's pushing Gain of Function research and a "man made pathogen". OMFG. 🤷🤦
Thank you for reading! You are correct, actually, perhaps I should edit that, as it’s not an alleged virus. There is still some sketchy research as far as anthrax goes too, but that’s a story for another post. I was just talking with a friend about this yesterday, oddly enough.
Agreed... look at how many vaccines and pHARMaceuticals we inject our pets and other animals with as well. They are mass-culling birds in the name of a fake avian virus, among other atrocities.
Bravo! I have "read/listened" to most of your great resources. I too became interested in this subject about 16 years ago when my daughter was pregnant with my almost 16 yo Grandson. One rabbit whole about childhood vaccines led to another and off I went. Luckily my daughter listened to my advice and cut way back on any jabs for the kid. We are all No Jabbers, but I can not say they went all the way down to "no virus has ever been proven to exist" like me. I'll share this beauty with my FB followers. Thanks!
You are absolutely right. The "lab-leak" theory is a cover story within a cover story: If the mythical virus was produced by gain-of-function research, then it would be more deadly than anything coming from nature and thus require more extreme measures should it poke its nasty head up again. Environmental pollution (and I don't mean carbon, but that's another angle) keeps growing in extent and intensity, as well as the vaccination schedule and toxicity in food. At the beginning of this deadly farce I thought it would be obvious to most that the whole "pandemic" was a sham. I've since discovered that so many are like mindless zombies. People today are so brainwashed that they believe all disease is caused by "pathogens" and don't seem to get the concept of poison. The psychopaths orchestrating this insanity do have a twisted sense of humor, though, since "virus" is the Latin word for poison. In fact, what they're probably working on in their "gain-of-function" research is more subtle and powerful ways of poisoning us under the guise of "public health."
The whole deal with statin drugs is what did it for me.
There are people with through the roof "bad" cholesterol, but they have no blockages. However, nobody is studying them. Why? Because there's already a "treatment." There's no science there, otherwise the anomalies would be investigated. They're not. There's no money in that.
The whole cholesterol argument was based on data from a study *not* designed to determine any link between cholesterol and heart disease. The data was found *after* a drug that could regulate cholesterol levels was introduced.
The whole damn "good" and "bad" cholesterol argument is garbage. Considering that statins have serious side effects, shouldn't more research be performed? Of course not.
The medical industry is a racket anymore.
Take care, and eat healthy, we're on our own for the most part.
I want to offer an amendment to your recommendation of The Contagion Myth by Dr Tom Cowan and Sally Fallon Morrell, which is an excellent source of historical facts and abbreviated reasoning behind the no virus position. Dr. Cowan next wrote a 50-page paperback book, "Breaking the Spell". devoted to further explaining and elaborating the logical problems with the virologists' methodology, proving it to be unsound and debunked falsehood, including powerful evidence of misconception from Stefan Lanka's control experiments regarding the measles dispute. This 50-page $10 booklet is perfect--the best single source of information I have come across in debunking the virus myth. The only other published source I know of that is in its class, which is as good, is Mark Bailey's "A Farewell to Virology" article, available for free online using Bing.
Dr. Cowan's writing is superlative as is Dr. Mark Bailey's. Both men are actual scientists, devoted to reason, characterized by their rigorous and thoughtful insights, and exhibiting high integrity. I recommend you mention "Breaking the Spell" and "A Farewell to Virology" in your recommended reading list.
I think Dr. Cowan's booklet may be easier to understand for someone new to the subject. Thanks.
The whole deal with statin drugs is what did it for me.
There are people with through the roof "bad" cholesterol, but they have no blockages. However, nobody is studying them. Why? Because there's already a "treatment." There's no science there, otherwise the anomalies would be investigated. They're not. There's no money in that.
The whole cholesterol argument was based on data from a study *not* designed to determine any link between cholesterol and heart disease. The data was found *after* a drug that could regulate cholesterol levels was introduced.
The whole damn "good" and "bad" cholesterol argument is garbage. Considering that statins have serious side effects, shouldn't more research be performed? Of course not.
Thank you so much for the compliment. Studies like the Rosenau Experiment, Lanka's court case, etc etc are essential for understanding the failed transmission of disease as we move forward. I thank you as well for your work and look forward to more as we continue. Have a wonderful weekend :)
The idea that we have to come up with a single explanation of "what made me/my family/my friends ill if not a virus?" buys totally into the Rockefeller medicine paradigm of "one disease, one cause, one treatment." It's mind-rot anti science which ignores the complexity of life and instead creates a model which ideologically props up Rockefeller chemicals-based "medicine." Few people are aware of the extent to which this paradigm took over the entire field of health subsequent to the 1916 Flexner Report, which was the culmination of a decades long effort which started with the fraudulent work of Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch, financed by big money.
The dissent-health-industrial complex requires the "virus" to exist in order to thrive. It needs the "lab leak bio-weapon" narrative to keep itself going. Many of its celebrities are literally invested in it, e.g. RFK Jr and early detection programs, Steve Kirsch and his Rockefeller-connected Covid Early Treatment Fund and links to the digital ID program and 4IR, Malone and "vaccines,"..... And RFK Jr is all but running for president, and thus wants to push a program which the mainstream corporate media and Big Pharma which funds it to at least not find totally objectionable. He advances the idea of better management of a situation he called "a mismanaged pandemic" in the first chapter of his Fauci book. Maybe Del can be his media person? :-)
And the fans of these celebrities continue to stand by them, because they've become emotionally dependent upon them, believe they have saved their lives and sanity, and fear chaos should the celebrities' game be exposed. They have become addicted to the myth, and need a cold shower of facts. Thanks for helping to do that, Kris!
Thank you as well! Your work and activism is greatly appreciated. This is how we will win and how we get the truth out there! So many don’t even know what the Flexner report is and how it essentially wiped out holistic practices and replaced them with allopathic models and the germ theory of disease. This was done to peddle their petroleum-based pHARMaceuticals and other harmful substances.
Why would the Rockefellers be interested in petroleum? :-)
Why don't you honestly try to answer that question yourself?
It's not because of countless money to be made, isn't it?
You must have missed the :-) at the end of my sentence. :-)
Yes I did xD
Excellent comment JS
100% spot on.
Thoroughly enjoyed the “Maybe Del can be his media person? :-)” quip! Very good 👍
Right!? I chucked at the Del Bigtree comment for sure
To my eyes the disclosure that about 200 years of medicine is based on interests and not health is not surprising. Our world has little truth. Persons have truth. We are raised and taught by dead institutions, dead ideas, dead arts and sciences, we dwell among the ruins, we have habituated ourselves to views like life preservers without asking if true. We are not taught to think but to swim in schools like fish.
Agreed. The free thinkers or those who have discussions outside of the Overton Window are looked at as crazy or stupid or both. Drawing attention to these matters is something I believe is important for humanity so that we can break free from the societal shackles. Thank you for your comment :)
Great article, Kristen!
My only quip is with Robert O. Young. Personally, I find him extremely dodgy. His recent appearance before MD4CE was extremely cringe-worthy/painful. He cites info that is on the level of rumor/hearsay/whack-a-doodle conspiracy theory. He has a bit of a checkered past. I do not ever cite him. I can provide more details if interested.
I can respect and appreciate that. We all have a past, and I don’t think Robert is controlled opposition at this point. If I’m wrong, I will always retract, of course. Thanks for reading! I see your Twitter account is active!
Well, I never said "controlled opposition". I almost never use that phrase, because it relies upon information which is normally hidden (people's motives / funding). I do make an exception for extreme cases like Bigtree/Kennedy and their cohorts in the club of "Virus Pushers Against Clotshots".
I'm not saying that your wrong or anything like that. I'm not tell you who to like or not like.
It's just a personal preference. I try to only cite sources which are rock-solid.
All that stuff about Graphene Oxide in the shots is IMHO extremely dodgy and not well sourced.
He's also into self-assembling nano-robots and injectable computers. (these do not exist) He gets into vaccines a lot, which IMHO should not really be our focus. Clotshots are bad. NO JOKE! "Breaking news". (not) We've known that since early 2021. Of course the Clotshots are poison. Duh.
The MAIN POINT is that the Clotshots are NOT INDICATED because there IS NO VIRUS and there IS NO DISEASE called COVID, and there never was any pandemic.
Here he's pushing Gain of Function research and a "man made pathogen". OMFG. 🤷🤦
I had what you describe as my gut feeling about him.
Excellent summary and compilation, Kristen, thank you!!
Thanks again Christine! I appreciate your continued support
Brilliant. That's how we know that anybody pushing the lab-leak hoax either hasn't done enough research or is deliberately spreading disinformation.
Excellent article with the right amount of rage against the virus fraud and its upholders.
A quibble: Don’t the germ pushers consider anthrax a bacterial disease?
Thank you for reading! You are correct, actually, perhaps I should edit that, as it’s not an alleged virus. There is still some sketchy research as far as anthrax goes too, but that’s a story for another post. I was just talking with a friend about this yesterday, oddly enough.
It is wise to notice that humanity is not the only species suffering.
Less myopic naval gazing and more observation of everything natural would be instructive atm.
Like Arthur Firstenberg's important message here:
Agreed... look at how many vaccines and pHARMaceuticals we inject our pets and other animals with as well. They are mass-culling birds in the name of a fake avian virus, among other atrocities.
There is another common culprit which is harming all life simultaneously and without exception. Electro-magnetic radiation from 5G.
Bravo! I have "read/listened" to most of your great resources. I too became interested in this subject about 16 years ago when my daughter was pregnant with my almost 16 yo Grandson. One rabbit whole about childhood vaccines led to another and off I went. Luckily my daughter listened to my advice and cut way back on any jabs for the kid. We are all No Jabbers, but I can not say they went all the way down to "no virus has ever been proven to exist" like me. I'll share this beauty with my FB followers. Thanks!
You are absolutely right. The "lab-leak" theory is a cover story within a cover story: If the mythical virus was produced by gain-of-function research, then it would be more deadly than anything coming from nature and thus require more extreme measures should it poke its nasty head up again. Environmental pollution (and I don't mean carbon, but that's another angle) keeps growing in extent and intensity, as well as the vaccination schedule and toxicity in food. At the beginning of this deadly farce I thought it would be obvious to most that the whole "pandemic" was a sham. I've since discovered that so many are like mindless zombies. People today are so brainwashed that they believe all disease is caused by "pathogens" and don't seem to get the concept of poison. The psychopaths orchestrating this insanity do have a twisted sense of humor, though, since "virus" is the Latin word for poison. In fact, what they're probably working on in their "gain-of-function" research is more subtle and powerful ways of poisoning us under the guise of "public health."
The whole deal with statin drugs is what did it for me.
There are people with through the roof "bad" cholesterol, but they have no blockages. However, nobody is studying them. Why? Because there's already a "treatment." There's no science there, otherwise the anomalies would be investigated. They're not. There's no money in that.
The whole cholesterol argument was based on data from a study *not* designed to determine any link between cholesterol and heart disease. The data was found *after* a drug that could regulate cholesterol levels was introduced.
The whole damn "good" and "bad" cholesterol argument is garbage. Considering that statins have serious side effects, shouldn't more research be performed? Of course not.
The medical industry is a racket anymore.
Take care, and eat healthy, we're on our own for the most part.
This is research intensive. To grow is to live, onwards.
Thank you for this article.
I want to offer an amendment to your recommendation of The Contagion Myth by Dr Tom Cowan and Sally Fallon Morrell, which is an excellent source of historical facts and abbreviated reasoning behind the no virus position. Dr. Cowan next wrote a 50-page paperback book, "Breaking the Spell". devoted to further explaining and elaborating the logical problems with the virologists' methodology, proving it to be unsound and debunked falsehood, including powerful evidence of misconception from Stefan Lanka's control experiments regarding the measles dispute. This 50-page $10 booklet is perfect--the best single source of information I have come across in debunking the virus myth. The only other published source I know of that is in its class, which is as good, is Mark Bailey's "A Farewell to Virology" article, available for free online using Bing.
Dr. Cowan's writing is superlative as is Dr. Mark Bailey's. Both men are actual scientists, devoted to reason, characterized by their rigorous and thoughtful insights, and exhibiting high integrity. I recommend you mention "Breaking the Spell" and "A Farewell to Virology" in your recommended reading list.
I think Dr. Cowan's booklet may be easier to understand for someone new to the subject. Thanks.
The whole deal with statin drugs is what did it for me.
There are people with through the roof "bad" cholesterol, but they have no blockages. However, nobody is studying them. Why? Because there's already a "treatment." There's no science there, otherwise the anomalies would be investigated. They're not. There's no money in that.
The whole cholesterol argument was based on data from a study *not* designed to determine any link between cholesterol and heart disease. The data was found *after* a drug that could regulate cholesterol levels was introduced.
The whole damn "good" and "bad" cholesterol argument is garbage. Considering that statins have serious side effects, shouldn't more research be performed? Of course not.
The medical industry is a racket anymore.
Do I think that most doctors
Thank you so much for the compliment. Studies like the Rosenau Experiment, Lanka's court case, etc etc are essential for understanding the failed transmission of disease as we move forward. I thank you as well for your work and look forward to more as we continue. Have a wonderful weekend :)