The only solution, IMHO, is to unplug from that system.

After working mostly "permanent" jobs (they actually used to call them that!), meaning either hourly or salaried, but a direct employee of some company, I started working "contract work" (even "permanent" jobs have a contract! So confusing!) around 1995. I mostly have not had "health care insurance" since then, ~28 years. I mostly have not seen doctors since then either. I mostly don't use or rely upon prescription pharmaceuticals.

I know if I get physical trauma, or chronic illness, there is almost no avoiding hospitals/doctors. But I've been mostly healthy, no car accidents, and a vegetarian since then. I also don't watch TV. Both of those I think help me to be happy and healthy.

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Agreed, moving away from this system is how we stay healthy. "Healthcare" has become somewhat of a misnomer these days. I no longer trust allopathic practitioners at this point, and similarly, unless I break my arm or some other trauma, I will be staying far away.

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thanks for sharing this!

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of course! thank you very much for reading <3

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The medical cartel, the pharmafia are enemies of the people. TPTB want total control of the masses. This is just another example of being “stamped” and coded.

If we don’t get enough people to wake up and see the damage that’s being done to humanity and seriously fight back and stop this madness before it’s too late, the degenerates that control too much of human life already, will get their demonic dream come true.

Good god almighty let’s stop the madness.

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Indeed, and the same mafia is deepening the madness with the full-blown roll-out of 15 minute cities to keep everyone corralled into one controllable space. We are already waist-deep into the dystopian pool of shit :(

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