The Truth About Martin Luther King Jr.
You Won't Look at the Leader of the Civil Rights Movement the Same Again
Before the week closes out, I wanted to take a moment to write about the man who became the face of the Civil Rights Movement. There is a dark and largely unknown side of Martin Luther King Jr. that the public may want to consider before praising his work and who he was as a person. It is truly upsetting to see how much society has been duped into believing the mainstream history and accounting of this man and the life that he lived. So, let us take a closer look…
Jumping right in, let’s just start with MLK’s blatant ties to Communism. In fact, the threat of MLK being a Communist sympathizer and orchestrator was so credible that the government authorized the wiretapping and surveillance of King and his associates. These wiretaps included the prominent Jewish lawyer Stanley Levison, who was a huge supporter and financier of the Communist Party of the United States of America (CPUSA). This, along with the strong support that the Civil Rights Movement has had from the CPUSA prior to MLK’s time, should be alarming enough, but there is more to discuss.
Before we continue, it is important to acknowledge that many will try to deny these Communist ties and make the claim that this is an unfounded accusation and point to the content of MLK’s speeches, where he has stated that Communism and Christianity were “fundamentally incompatible”. However, if MLK really felt this way, why would he allow another suspected Communist who was involved in both the CPUSA and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference to work so closely with him?? That man was named Jack O’Dell, and MLK was warned to cut ties with not only O’Dell, but with Levison as well. Publicly, the optics were that King did as he was told. Instead, he was still using middle-men to communicate and coordinate with these Communists. Why do that if there is nothing to hide?
In addition to these Communist ties, the surveillance also led to other revelations about King and his activities. In a recording that was captured in a 1964 hotel room encounter, MLK can be heard laughing and offering advice to a Baptist minister who was forcibly raping a woman. This recording, among others, was set under seal until the year 2027. However, some of this information was made available with the initial release of the JFK Files. Other researchers have tried to get this information to go public, and the media outlets refused to cover the bombshell revelations.
In addition to bearing witness to rape, King was a philanderer and a womanizer, having many extramarital relationships with women who included Dorothy Cotton, Dolores Evans, and Georgia Powers, who went on to pen a book about her relationship with the Reverend. The FBI file also alleges that King would take part in drunken sex orgies. Shortly after his death, MLK’s misdeeds would be publicly confirmed by his close friend and confidant Ralph Abernathy. I recognize that many would argue that the private activities of a man should not interfere with their political role, I disagree. People should have transparency from folks that are putting themselves in the public eye and trying to lead a movement of any type. The type of person you are outside of politics also says a lot about who you are as a person.
I also have my own thoughts about why someone like MLK was chosen to be the poster child for the Civil Rights Movement, and not someone like say, Malcom X. I believe it is because the Communists knew that King could be controlled and that he would toe their Marxist line. Malcom X was considered too controversial and too radical for their mainstream idea of implementing Communist agenda. Unlike MLK, Malcom X was a proponent of black separatism, wishing for blacks to have their own nation state and live away from whites. This was a sentiment that American Nazi Party founder George Lincoln Rockwell shared with regard to white separatism. The two men could be found supporting one another at various rallies and speeches. This sort of separatist ideology was dangerous for Communist exploits and I believe it has a lot to do with why MLK was the posterchild and not a man like Malcom X.
At the end of the day, my aim here was to expose the side of Martin Luther King Jr. that many, including myself until my research, are not aware of. We should not be having public holidays for this man and taking days off of work and school to raise his name in exalt when he is such a cretinous degenerate. I know others before me have put this information out as well, so I wonder why kids are still taught about this man in school or why entire cities and their councils plan parades and celebrations for him. At the very least, I hope anyone who reads this learns something of value and shares the information with another person.
It's nice to see people waking up at last, although this is only the partial truth exposed. Thanks anyway, Kristin. Keep digging. You have yet to reach the main vein.
May I make a suggestion? I have forgotten his name, but an African man is on the same voyage, but he has more data for navigation. He is writing the truth about Mohandas Gandhi.
Meanwhile, MLKing must be examined conjointly with his twin, The City of London's Mohandas Gandhi.
Gandhi was a racist and back-stabbing treacherous Indian lawyer in South Africa and, later when he was reshaped as the Zionist puppet for peace, black Africans tried to warn Indians. Nobody listened. However, today, an Indian woman, Arundahti Roy, has published her own expose. I will say no more about this as it is better if you go down this bunny hole on your own. Let me nudge you in the right direction just a little bit by outlining the general plot.
Although most of the resistance movement sees the White House and CIA as the principals of repression, those mindless denizens take their orders from the plutocrats above, who in turn are led by the City of London. Thus, dual programmes are not only possible, but can be implemented seamlessly. The 1975 MI6/CIA coup d'etat of Australia was a clear example.
Anyway, Gandhi was resourced and trained to deliver Indian sovereignty the way the City of London wanted it. For some reason it was the FBI, not CIA, that took the same line with King.
The idea was to resolve the outstanding problem of resistance to the introduction of the new world order (aka Greater Israel as outlined by Ben Gurion). The Zionists were well aware that enough people would wake up and hang the lot of them, so a method was devised that eliminated meaningful resistance. This was the new and powerful ethic introduced by Gandhi and King, of "non-violent peaceful protest". The message was validated by the martyrdoms of the two men, and then later Hollywood cannonised them with epic movies. Thus, the entire middle and upper classes were rendered emasculated and could now be safely presumed to march joyfully to the death camps singing of moral victory all the way.
The genius of this approach is that the subscribers firmly believe the ethic emerged from their own superior intellect, having sagely observed the proof of its efficaciousness in India and the US. Disparaged as 'peaceniks' or 'fags' by the working class, who have had their noses rubbed in bullying and counter-violence all their lives, when they eventually realise their children have been mudered by vaccinations, they will cut loose on day one and butcher every politician, bureaucrat, doctor, nurse, and journalist they encounter, and will then burn down the hospitals and universities.
The globalists are on to this and maintain rigid control of the media so that they can control the reaction. This is why media-baron Rupert Murdoch was handed the Zionist dynastic mantle in 1973, which finally draped his shoulders in March 2017. Naturally, Rupert does not want to be assassinated so he plays the role of grumpy old man struggling to contain his own power-hungry children.
Who cares what I think? But I consider that the globalists have miscalculated.
It is their M.O. -> Nelson Mandela is also promoted as a saint but is anything but. It is how they invert reality, think of the recent George Floyd story.
In my opinion, Martin was nothing more than an actor, playing the rol he was given by the people in the eye of the pyramid. Just like JFK, he was not killed in reality, just his character served its purpose and a staged death would serve another purpose.
Smoke and mirrors in our LARP reality.