It's nice to see people waking up at last, although this is only the partial truth exposed. Thanks anyway, Kristin. Keep digging. You have yet to reach the main vein.

May I make a suggestion? I have forgotten his name, but an African man is on the same voyage, but he has more data for navigation. He is writing the truth about Mohandas Gandhi.

Meanwhile, MLKing must be examined conjointly with his twin, The City of London's Mohandas Gandhi.

Gandhi was a racist and back-stabbing treacherous Indian lawyer in South Africa and, later when he was reshaped as the Zionist puppet for peace, black Africans tried to warn Indians. Nobody listened. However, today, an Indian woman, Arundahti Roy, has published her own expose. I will say no more about this as it is better if you go down this bunny hole on your own. Let me nudge you in the right direction just a little bit by outlining the general plot.

Although most of the resistance movement sees the White House and CIA as the principals of repression, those mindless denizens take their orders from the plutocrats above, who in turn are led by the City of London. Thus, dual programmes are not only possible, but can be implemented seamlessly. The 1975 MI6/CIA coup d'etat of Australia was a clear example.

Anyway, Gandhi was resourced and trained to deliver Indian sovereignty the way the City of London wanted it. For some reason it was the FBI, not CIA, that took the same line with King.

The idea was to resolve the outstanding problem of resistance to the introduction of the new world order (aka Greater Israel as outlined by Ben Gurion). The Zionists were well aware that enough people would wake up and hang the lot of them, so a method was devised that eliminated meaningful resistance. This was the new and powerful ethic introduced by Gandhi and King, of "non-violent peaceful protest". The message was validated by the martyrdoms of the two men, and then later Hollywood cannonised them with epic movies. Thus, the entire middle and upper classes were rendered emasculated and could now be safely presumed to march joyfully to the death camps singing of moral victory all the way.

The genius of this approach is that the subscribers firmly believe the ethic emerged from their own superior intellect, having sagely observed the proof of its efficaciousness in India and the US. Disparaged as 'peaceniks' or 'fags' by the working class, who have had their noses rubbed in bullying and counter-violence all their lives, when they eventually realise their children have been mudered by vaccinations, they will cut loose on day one and butcher every politician, bureaucrat, doctor, nurse, and journalist they encounter, and will then burn down the hospitals and universities.

The globalists are on to this and maintain rigid control of the media so that they can control the reaction. This is why media-baron Rupert Murdoch was handed the Zionist dynastic mantle in 1973, which finally draped his shoulders in March 2017. Naturally, Rupert does not want to be assassinated so he plays the role of grumpy old man struggling to contain his own power-hungry children.

Who cares what I think? But I consider that the globalists have miscalculated.

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Thank you for taking the time to share all of their pertinent information, I will be reading up on all of this about Gandhi.

Legacy media is a joke isn’t it? I can’t believe it is still so widely accepted and trusted. It also astounds me when I see MAGA supporters hanging onto the word of men like Tucker Carlson, who worked for FOX, wear a Kabbalah bracelet, and has called himself (literal quote here) “Rupert Murdoch’s bitch”.

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yes thanks for sharing this . I am well aware of this paper and seems Tony Ryan has come to same conclusion without full awareness that this info has been put out there by others as well. Cheers

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Oh my.

We need to talk.

tonyryan43@protonmail.com or substack oziz4oziz

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Great comment. Some of us are aware and awake to this. I feel the same way about promoted guru Elkhart Tolle who is obviously an agent, one who encourages us simply to be in the moment, sit and gaze at the navel and remember we are all one. I also believe that if one really dives within and checks in with intuition as what to do, taking the next right step, that next step could be revolution and fighting back.

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The bottom line is "Kill or be killed.

Academics and the upper-middle-class will never be able to confront this and their demise is a given.

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It is their M.O. -> Nelson Mandela is also promoted as a saint but is anything but. It is how they invert reality, think of the recent George Floyd story.

In my opinion, Martin was nothing more than an actor, playing the rol he was given by the people in the eye of the pyramid. Just like JFK, he was not killed in reality, just his character served its purpose and a staged death would serve another purpose.

Smoke and mirrors in our LARP reality.

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Yes, his “death” has even more suspicious details that don’t add up, particularly the caliber bullet that was allegedly used not blowing off his head or at least part of it, and then he had an open casket funeral… really seems strange if you know anything about guns.

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Alcoholic Communist Rapist.

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That is really sad. It appears that everyone who we were taught was a good person was something else entirely. Just like the founders of the USA were all Freemasons. Not Christians.

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What a third rail topic. There's a great episode of Moe Factz with Adam Curry where I learned about the communist angle and that show in general also features a lot of mind blowing Malcolm X clips.

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In my novel, The General's Lady, the General tells his captive, that Communism wears a Jewish face, but after the war, it will wear a black face. The MLKJ fiasco proved that to be true. Today, the "racial" divide can be closed somewhat, but as long as black political movements espouse communist ideology, there can be no peace.

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Just another Zionist production..Just so we are clear there is no opposition that isn’t controlled by the Synagogues of Satan so what does that tell you..Decentralization is the only possible solution to escape..Detachment from the dark side is the only solution ..but it can’t come from the material realm..There no Freedom in the material realm that doesn’t come from the Spiritual Realm..Make no mistake the dark side understand this basic spiritual concept..Why don’t the Children of the God of Creation ?

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I gather that this was the post you refer to as resulting in a deluge of cancelled subs?

I wasn't familiar with your outpost here MM, but it's likely I'll look further into your writings.

In the meanwhile... since we're on the topic of 'de-sanctifying leaders'...

are we on the same page re: RFK Jr? More skeletons in that closet than at a Halloween party.

Major psyop being played out with him and HHS. Hopium spilling out from the Trimpf zepplin now being recycled into Bobbi's dirigible!]

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Oh yeah, RFK is shady and I watched them propel him to the forefront of all of this and it really irked me the whole time. The hopium/copium is real!

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Tbh this isn't new, we been knew mlk was cheating on his wife. This just adds more context into who he was as a person, also it's already well known that mlk was advocating for equal rights between black men and white men. He never said anything about women, him laughing at a rape isn't really amusing to me, especially considering the time frame, men of his time was womanizers rather they were black or white anyway. This is just an example of how cruel humanity can be, there's countless of examples of this through out history. No body was truly a good person and to expect that is to be nieve. Abraham lincoil didn't free slaves bc he was this all right good guy who felt sorry for blacks, if he truly felt sorry for blacks and cared about them and saw them as human, it wouldn't have taken blacks another century to get something as simple as basic human rights, lincoil would of automatically gave them human rights after the civil war. Fun fact, but Lincoln original attentions was sending blacks back to africa, but he died before he could make it happen. Another example can be George Washington, the guy who gets so much praised for being this perfect liberator, he owned slaves, and he also was responsible of getting an little slave boy killed, 2 actually, the boys real name is not recorded bc of the little regard people had for slaves back then. William Lee's who was an former slave turned assistant for George Washington little brother who was an enslaved 10 years old boy, George Washington tasked him to his death by forcing him to sweep the chimney, he feel and kicked rocks. William lee's half brother who was 12-14 years old was tasked by Washington to send messages in bad weather, George instead of making sure the boy got back safely, Washington went back home, and the boy froze to his death. Despite the horrible things people have done through out history, we still honor some of them because of the good that they have done, and almost every Nobel hero had some dirt bc u have to realize that at the end of the day, they're human, mlk, yes hes done some bad things but he have also done good things that out weighs the bad, he helped his people gain rights that was dissevered and long over do, he left to much positve impact to society to just go ignored, you can’t just completely discredit him and undermine the good stuff he have done bc hes done some bad shit in his personal life.

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I did not purport to be revealing new information, the timing of it being during the week of a holiday that has his namesake was relevant, and moreso after seeing that the MLK files were released the same day I drafted this.

I am aware of Lincoln wanting to send blacks back to Africa, but the Jews couldn’t have that, so we know what happened.

Another person here commented in a similar fashion, noting that men were known adulterers and that no one is perfect… agreed, but we don’t name holidays after those piece of shit types, put them up on a pedestal, and teach our children that they are heroes. At the very least, this information should also be brought forth so people can decide for themselves.

Since it doesn’t seem this is as widely known as you may think, I’m happy to be (hopefully) giving people the info to do that themselves.

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Wise reply. :)

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sorry it took me a long time to reply, only like what? 2 months late? wtv, I dont really be on here as much, this is my first time back on since I typed that lengthy monster but I digress.

"I am aware of Lincoln wanting to send blacks back to Africa, but the Jews couldn’t have that, so we know what happened."

"but dah jewz" lol yall love blaming jews for absolutely nothing, making wild connections that don't even parallel, stop it, its embarrassing and u know it.

"we dont make holidays after piece of shit types"

"we teach our children about heroes"

Mlk wasn't an absolute piece of shit based off 1 flawed aspect of his character. George Washington who yall so much cosign as an American hero, who was in-charge of many deaths among black africans but bc of his Patriotism and contribution to forging the the us into what it is today, he's pass off as an hero similar to how mlk was a hero to his people and left an positive mark on society as a whole, making him a hero. crazy world we live in where u have people like u who considers an enslaver as an hero and is idolized but a man who inoperably laughs in the back ground, is a reject and shouldn't be celebrated despite the positive social innovation he made among society.

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Blatant ties to Communism? Is that akin to being a known sacrificer of babies?

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I'm afraid you're rather completely confused. The US is 100% controlled by the Billionaire Capitalists - whose MAIN ENEMY is the Communists. Never heard of McCarthyism, the "Cold War", who do you think owns the Media - Communists or Capitalists ??

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That's interesting Kristen. Why did they kill him?

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It appears they didn't: https://mileswmathis.com/mlk.pdf

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You tell me

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Rather than writing about "Communism" and King's alleged picadilios. Maybe try to take on board the mass slaughter of millions in Asia - by your fellow anti-ccommunists.


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Feel free to write about that one and send it to me!

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A lot has been written about the Viet Nam War - I'd ask you to listen to the MLK speech - it sums things up quite well. The Korean War was another Holocaust - based on false pretenses - and driven, of course, by the Great Crusade against Communism. A Crusade carefully orchestrated by the Capitalist Ruling Class. They actually re-organized the entire world in order to crush Socialism/Communism - with ten's of millions of casualties.

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Same can be said about WW2, but we didn’t fight the bad guys, and Hitler was not a Communist. I don’t worship our government, no worries. I don’t trust the content of the man’s speeches, seems most were ghostwritten by Communists or Communist supporters.

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Something wrong with Communism ?? Oh, "what every good 'Murkin KNOWS" !!

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Yes, Communism was developed by a Jewish grifter who refused to get a job and support his family. Explore the ethnic nature of Communist movements particularly the Bolsheviks. 60 million Christian Russians were slaughtered by ethnic Bolsheviks. Capitalist Judy meet Communist Punch.

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Oh, Marx was Jewish by his "DNA". VERY deep analysis. The Communists, many Jewish, have done more, and are now doing more, to fight Zionist Nationalism/Fascism than you, or her, or ANY "Anti-Jews" ever thought about doing.

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Lol, ok. Who are these brave fighters? Trannyfa for Palestine? The Soros puppet Western Left? Really racking up those wins! Israel just took 20 miles of Lebanon and Syria nearly to Damascus.

Btw Marx literally refused to get a job and let his family starve in London. Great man to get advice to run the world on. Thank God Engels kept the faith and Marx's family alive. Btw Marx was a toxic asshole and driven from his very own movement. Way to go for the low hanging anti-Semite fruit since you got nothing else. Is that you, ADL bro?

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Air Head - lol

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Ad hominem all you got? Enlightenment crap is on its way out. Peace be upon you.

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This article is one based on truth but not context of the time that Mr. King was a part of. The context has been left off the table. The Malcolm X portion is out of context of the times also. It seems that people just wish to have there bubble of a world just approved. How can MLK and Martin Luther King we discussed in a short article. This is what is called a slant piece. It is one of frustration! MLK as a mortal man is again taken out of context. Most men at that time were philanders. That is nothing special. Also the part of these tapes is not discussed and why the tapes. Why was MLK even a necessary individual? Why did he turn out that way? Was what he was fighting for necessary? Why did he have to fight for these things? It is shameful that this is written on him on his birthday celebration. He is a man first. He is not perfect. Every single man in history may be found to be a philanderer.

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I acknowledge the philandering point and how it may be used to excuse his behavior. Bearing willing witness to rape goes beyond that, don’t you think? So does being a Communist infiltrator.

Instead of being vague about context, what context do you think is missing? I don’t think I left out anything significant, but correct me if I am wrong.

Further, if it was all so harmless and his behavior was so common, why have it put it under seal for so long?

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the whole communist thing is smoke and mirrors. There was no where else for civil rights folks aka blacks could go at that time. There was no internet which folks now. You must make an attempt to walk someone else's shows especially a critical historic as MLK. The Democrats at the times was the party of KKK. The Republican party was the monied crowd per se. Where was MLK or any other black of stature such as Paul Robeson to go? What political party was there? The behavior is harmful to his family. Also in the 50's ,60's women were always used to get a high profile man. That was regular business. The seal by the government was because the F.B.I tapes could also make the USA government look bad. He didn't do the rape. Yes his comments may have been offensive. However, that is locker room talk. Not agreeing with that behavior. When you write about a dynamic historical figure you must provide context I feel. Everything isn't political. Back then he was under attack by the F.B.I. He was a Christian wasn't he?

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It was not smoke and mirrors. WEB DuBois was a Communist as well. Marcus Garvey and Malcom X both had disdain for the NAACP calling out the lack of actual black people. When you realize the goal was grievance politics not independence, perhaps it will make sense for you. MLK was the figurehead for the "Civil Rights" movement that began the destruction of Freedom of Association as well as further destruction of the Federal system with the Voting Rights Act. There's a strong ethnic stench to the "Civil Rights" movement.

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Considering context is critical, but with these events happening so far in the past how is that even possible? (not that one shouldn't try by making it clear to your readers that the writer is attempting to do so).

This current perspective appears interesting in 2025, but who can say in the early 1960s? 75 years is a long time ago. (Ancient in terms of communication technology where Moon Maiden Musings can now be read around the world.). Race relations politically and economically then? and intentionally manipulated by nefarious entities? I couldn't begin to understand no matter how much research I did. I wasn't physically there.

What I'm interested in is how historical events like these affect the spiritual evolution of mankind. Are we made stronger? Weaker? 50-50? I'd say 75-25. The 1950-60's and then later generations need to be duped to get our inner knowing straight.

Trump's supposed declassification of all files pertaining to JFK, RFK, as well as MLK assassinations. Same boat. The context will be written on today's timeline. Sure, ok, but truth? Regardless, these horrible experiences empowered us to be wiser and better able to navigate Life, regardless these shifty characters who could care less about rising to higher levels of Christ Consciousness.

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He didn’t do the rape… yet the records allege he was in the same room as the victim and rapist and laughed about it all and encouraged it. I don’t know how you can make excuses for the man like this, but ok.

Further, not having internet at the time doesn’t really have much weight as far as things go, I don’t see the relevance of that comment.

You make the case that philandering was common… ok, well in current times, declaring yourself a they/them and mutilating your genitals is also common… does that mean I want the face of a political or other movement I am following to be a complete degenerate??

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That is not an excuse. Just because you are around a potential crime does not make you a criminal. If he had done something like that he would have been put under the jail! I have learned nothing is black n white. It is very gray. The internet changed the flow of information and the speed of it. May be not relevant to you but it is very relevant to me for such a situation. The whole they/them thing is political and to ruin the next generations and take down what is called the nuclear family. However, Gay people have always existed. Now they are being used as a political football. I feel you must dig deeper than just respond emotionally. Great dialogue with you.

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Respectfully, this is a cope… it doesn’t make you guilty of rape being in the same room as a man raping a woman but it definitely makes you a piece of shit. Further, and rather unfortunately, not everyone guilty of wrongdoing faces consequences for their actions.

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Not a cope one bit. You do not control another person. How does something you didn't do make you a piece of excrement? You have to explain deeper! My analysis it something else that is not being said. I grew up in a urban environment where things happen that had absolutely nothing to do with me. I have learned you never know anyone until it is crunch time

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You DO control yourself. Stop the man, leave fucking the room, do SOMETHING other than laugh about it and encourage it. Are you a bot??

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Did you here the tape? Was the context understood? Was the woman a stranger? Did MLK know the woman? Was the woman the guys girlfriend? was drugs and alcohol involved? No I am not a bot. I wonder if you are a bot? I have been around many situations in life. All is not black n white. That is why investigations take place. You can never react emotionally to a situation.

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Yeah it makes you a massive piece of shit to stand by and allow something like that plus he commented on it. You'll defend the civil rights but dismiss rape. Ick, cringe.

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You can think Ronald Reagan for this damn MLK Day.

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Again you need to research why the holiday was necessary in the first place sir! It is so amazing to me how people just have a axe to grind! Pose the question why the holiday? Why was he assassinated? Look at the 60's. His assassination is connected to RFK's assassination.

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