Excellent article! You certainly filled in some gaps in my understanding of the plandemic, as well as giving me renewed hope.

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Thank you so much for reading! Happy to help :)

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Indeed a master piece. Since I have read that text in the blog critical check I was sure that DNA is another made up bs and what i think they are really observing are special proteins that serve as antenna for the charge field that carries biological and morphological information about species.

I ditched DNA as soon as I have read the article, but for some time I tried to conceive how protein synthesis really work leaving DNA and RNA behind and I had a lot of trouble, till I found what I think is the actual true answer, and that lies in a new physics theory, called the charge field theory, developed by Miles Mathis, i will leave a link to his site for the interested to read, but in my opinion true genetics is all about charge field information that are anchored through the chromossomes, that are really proteins whose function would be to anchor these informational field and convert it into biophotons, which would then convey directly the information to proteins that make other proteins from the information in this fashion conveyed.


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Thanks so much! I will be sure to take some time this week to look at this alternate theory you are presenting. Appreciate you reading!

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Hi Kristen, did you look into the alternate theory?

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Thanks and have a nice week sister.

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But wait there’s more non-science to be cleared up - read my first Substack article titled:

We breathe air not oxygen

You can leave the whole gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide out of lung physiology

Yep, in reality the lungs are hydrating the alveoli sac capillaries with saline water, which gets absorbed by the passing RBCs.

Research oxygen toxicity and its easy to see that oxygen is a lung hazard. Prescribed not for breathlessness but for terminal patients.

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Now that is one I haven’t heard yet! I’ll take a look, thank you for sharing more information!

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6. Conclusion

Oxygen, often used to treat hypoxemia in the clinical setting, 👉 is itself a triggering factor 👈 in HALI given that the exposure is sufficiently concentrated and of adequate duration.

The lung is a vulnerable target for oxidant-induced injury, initiating a cascade of protein signals that determine the cellular response. The alveolar epithelial and alveolar capillary endothelial surfaces are injured.

👉Hyperpermeability, microthrombi (resulting from altered coagulation and fibrinolysis), collagen deposition, & fibrosis alter alveolar structure & function👈

Understanding precise mechanisms of injury and pulmonary cellular responses to hyperoxia is essential evidence for expert practice.



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Agreed, but we need some oxygen and breath air to get it, it gets dissolved in the physiologic saline (our whole body is "saline water") that diffuses into the capillaries where the RBCs pick it up. Scuba tanks are 22% to 40% oxygen with the remainder filled in with nitrogen.

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Hi Proton Magic

I don’t think you understand what oxygen is yet.

Air is the starting material.

Air is then dried to remove moisture, compressed and this repeats. When this air reaches 67 parts per million of water contamination it is labelled ‘oxygen’

Oxygen is very very very very very dry air.

Air is measured by its moisture or humidity.

The two can not co-exist, can you see why?

Once released from containment, oxygen gas desires to return to its natural state: moist air.

When oxygen is released inside the lungs, moisture is extracted from the respiratory mucosa and delicate alveoli. This causes micro-clots.

Reactive oxygen species ROS is another name for dehydration.

Research oxygen toxicity and see the symptoms it produces.

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Stories by the experts

Darn it you win, lol

Have you read how they DEFINED this novel discovered gas? Methods: how they produced oxygen gas?

Did they collect it from a shrub? No they didn’t, lol

My explanation is concise

And logically sound

Oh and testable

Throw a bag over any ‘oxygen’ producing green shrub and collect the ‘oxygen’ it produces. Then test it.

One test for oxygen you can use for your shrub gas is to light a splint, blow it out and then put the splint into shrub gas, if it relights, it’s a positive for oxygen gas.

Photosynthesis is another story ... no oxygen.

You could wander all over the wild with your lit splint, blowing it out and then testing air for oxygen.

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I can agree with everything you have said.

However, in no part of my comment did I say moisture was not inhaled did I? I'm only saying the body needs some oxygen, and "I don’t think you understand what oxygen is yet." is an unnecessary statement to get your point across.

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We need zero oxygen.

Oxygen is a man made product.

It does not occur in nature.

Plants and trees do not make oxygen.

You need a drier and a compressor to make oxygen.

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If the following are as you say only "man-made" & not part of "Nature" pls explain how man made either of these two, and why/how either of these are not part of Nature:

👉Elemental Oxygen: the most abundant element in Earth's crust, and after hydrogen and helium, it is the third-most abundant element in the universe.

👉Dioxygen: At standard temperature and pressure, two atoms of the element bind to form dioxygen, a colorless and odorless diatomic gas with the formula O2. Diatomic oxygen gas currently constitutes 20.95% of the Earth's atmosphere.

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Dear Proton Magic

I hate to break this news to you

THEY lie



This is not a new phenomenon

They lie straight faced about medicine, science, chemistry, physics etc

Our job is to use our God/Good skills to scrutinise and find the Bedrock beneath the sands of THEIR DECEPTIONS.

If you re-read what I’ve written and ponder the characteristics of air versus the characteristics of oxygen

You will see they can’t co-exist.

One is moist

One is extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely dry.

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I've said this all along. How can anything be made from something that I'd non existent. Been blocked from many groups for saying this as they are flogging spike protein detox . I'm a homeopath with over 25 years experience. Called this and past pandemics out but it is a hard slog .

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Wait, wouldn’t this also mean that all food is GMO-free? No DNA, no genetically modified organisms!

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THIS would be a huge win! However...the chemicals (not wanting to be a Debbie Downer here).

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GMO is perhaps about fraudulent patent claims on natural organisms - another claim that passes because disproving it requires equipment and expertise, and then can't be demonstrated without resorting to lies and sleight of hand. Dispossession of the human race of its stewardship of nature.

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Alot of things could account for the accompanying symptoms among the vaccinated. We dont even know whats in it . I didnt say Graphene doesn't exist. I am saying to not be like the C.hoaxers we have to prove things using the scientific method .

Nobody trustworthy has found Graphene in the injection except the CIA's RICE university (and the other dodgy UN place). So without evidence its just the Graphene meme ( that was released and spread like the Qanon).

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The stuff from Tracey Northern which Cowan discussed is EXCELLENT.

Thanks very much for this, Kris, and Demi!!

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Thank you! And I thank Demi Pietchell for introducing me to your work! Excellent 👏

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2 things:

1)DNA is not the "mother of life", has never been directly observed in anything alive and is a mathematical model of a SALT (i.e. an imaginary theoretical construct). DNA extraction techniques are just as ridiculous and unscientific as virus isolation techniques. Genes cannot be observed and studied directly, nor do they "code" for anything. Likewise, genes are hypothetical constructs.

2) synthetic DNA exists! It is a synthetic chemical drug that is artificially made based on the ridiculous accepted mathematical models described in point 1). The vials of covid shot s are full of synthetic DNA and also contain synthetic RNA in broken form, and also contain gigantic amounts of protein + dozens of other materials. This has been demonstrated numerous times by independent research labs worldwide.

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😈 👉 💥 🐀 🐁 🐁 🪤 Support Todd Candeller's clouthub.com to get all the Satanic Ratts arrested Nuremberg 2.0 style globally 🕺 🎶 https://rumble.com/user/Vaxxchoice

share this to save the world 😏

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I KNOW FOR A FACT they cannot prove paternity... And why they use a percentage. And, ALL of it comes from the maternal side...Good stuff!

But, DNA 🧬.... perhaps it's unidentifiable due to being our divine link/soul 🤔😉I can't recall the miniscule number the soul weight is represented and leaves upon passing ...

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21 grams. There's a movie.

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Good story. What are your medical qualifications?

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Before I give you any of them, can you first answer this for me: why does anyone need medical qualifications to research or put pieces together? Are autodidacts not allowed? Does a piece of paper denoting time being indoctrinated or money spent keeping up on certs mean something important? What is with the appeal to credentialism?

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Because a person with medical credentials would have an understanding and knowledge of biology and make educated informed conclusions. A non medical person would make assumptions without understanding.

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That’s where we can agree to disagree… credentials do not necessarily mean that someone has been properly informed or educated. Much of “education” is just rote memorization and repeating and regurgitating the same pseudoscience that has been widely (and erroneously) accepted as the truth or as factual. Is it all completely worthless? No, I don’t think so. But typically, the longer someone spends in establishment medical schools, the deeper the brainwashing tends to go.

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Said by a non medical person and non medically qualified person

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Lol, so called virologists have literal medical credentials yet believe in something non existent 😂. Do you not understand that the more educated one is, the more indoctrinated they are?

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"Because a person with medical credentials would have an understanding and knowledge of biology and make educated informed conclusions."

Knowledge about biology? Those credentialed individuals erroneously regard bacteria as predators & parasites. They "believe" in viruses. They believe biological bodies can be contagious. They believe illnesses & diseases can be contagious.

Knowledge? You mean indoctrinated with misinformation. The more credentialed you are, the more misinformed you are. Sincerely.

Science-based healthcare is listed as the #3 leading cause of death and it wasn't even in the Top 10 back in 1900. That kind of education & knowledge ain't worth knowing, pal. And the people who tout it ain't worth trusting. Think about it.

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I do agree with some of your reply but you can’t go around telling ppl that there is no science. That just makes you sound loony. Not everything warrants a foil hat.

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No such statement was written by me. It's not that there is no science, it's that much of what is presented to us as "science" is nothing but pseudoscience.

Appeal to Authority, Experts, and Consensus is to be strictly avoided. Doubt everything you've taken for granted with blind trust.

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Believe me I do not subscribe to everything that the scientists of late have tried to sell. Ive been in medical field for 45+ years and only recently ( since 2021) have I fully questioned the crap they are pushing. It is now politicized and for an agenda so they can control. Been in the works for decades but full throttle since 2021. You non medical people saying educated ppl are indoctrinated discredits you.

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The problem is that those trained in s ience/medicine are indoctrinated in certain ways of seeing that fit the established paradigms. Medicne & teaching of it was created by Rockefeller purely for profit using products from his billion dollar petroleum industry...Any cures for cancer are quashed, the inventor often sued I to poverty or mysteriously found dead...Scientific and medical research is funded often by the billionaire 'philantbropists' & their corporations & research has found that researchers akways find the result that their paymasters want. So being professionally trained may well hinder or prevent the finding of truth.

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I agree with most of that I think (it's what I've thought for a while, maybe two years or so).

But I don't trust DPL. Yeah I know don't hang it on the messenger concentrate on the message but I just can't help thinking that DPL is up to no good.

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so if there's no "DNA" how do children get the genetic characteristics ... like eye color...height...intelligence...of their parents? what do you call the molecular cells that obviously show up in similar physical characteristics of parents and children / siblings? so rapists and murderers who were identified by "DNA" and then confessed when confronted with that evidence were all falsely confessing?

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What do you mean by genetic characteristics?

FYI no one has really proven what is mechanism behind children getting some features from their parents.

Also what do you mean by intelligence?

Can you prove that intelligence is hereditary?

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can I prove intelligence is hereditary...that's easy...obviously both of your parents were morons

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Ahh, little Richard Norwood is emotionally triggered and resorts to ad hominem.

Obviously cognitive dissonance and projection are strong with you.

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The FACT is: it ALL comes from the maternal side, particularly the grandma.

* Why do you never see 100% on paternal side? Answer: they are presumed

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