With the recent turn of events, the upcoming (s)election, and the droves of those who are now hopping on the Trump bandwagon, I think it is important to lay out and address some key factors here. I want to say this very emphatically- Trump is NOT “our guy”. Trump is a sheep in wolf’s clothing. Actually, I would say he is more of a shepherd himself, steering the wide-asleep sheep right into their pens.
Before I even touch on the alleged assassination attempt, there are a few things that I would like to remind everyone of… right-wingers will need to try and set aside their cognitive dissonance, remember that I am not some leftist moron, and those on the left need to understand that I am not on their side either. I do not consider myself aligned with either side, actually, because I am not going to entrap myself in the false dichotomy that has been laid out before everyone. I think that needs to be clear going forward. Anyways, here are the points:
Trump is the “Father of the Vaccine”
It should come as no surprise as a former participant in the healthcare system that this is one of the first things I am going to make remarks on. Why do we think that someone who quickly ushered in a vaccine in the manner that he did is going to do what is right for people? Did we forget that Trump signed the CARES Act? That he spear-headed Operation Warpspeed?! Have we such short memories that we are just going to forget about all of the lockdown measures that forced people out of work and shuttered businesses for what Trump claims to be “One of the greatest achievements of mankind”. Right, buddy. Oh, and you do realize that the CARES Act was the largest transfer of wealth to the elitists in history? While we, the peasants, suffered the worst unemployment crisis since the Great Depression. And while we are on the subject of money…
Trump is Pro-Israel Through and Through
Under the Trump administration, the US was part of the bid to establish a 3 billion dollar regional investment fund for Israel. Trump also bolstered military aid to Israel in the amount of an additional 200 million on top of what the US was already sending over to them, over a whopping 3 billion in aid. Did you know that one of Trump’s first international trips was to visit Israel, don the tiny hat, and grovel at the Western Wall? He did this all while completely cutting off aid to the Palestinian Authority, had Palestine removed from the State Departments list of Nations, backed out of the Iran deal, as well as placed sanctions on Iran. I could keep going, but I think I have made my point here.
Trump and his Anti-Gun Laws
Ah yes, another fantastic Trump-era flub. Let’s go ahead and use a well-planned psy-op in Las Vegas to crackdown on guns. I mean, is anyone surprised? This is what the government does, yes, even the beloved Drumpf. So let us not forget that bump-stocks were banned after this incident, though thankfully the Supreme Court did the right thing and overturned this ridiculous piece of legislation. Further, let us not include the Red Flag gun laws that Trump was also trying to convince states to adopt. He was pushing for more background checks, raising the age of purchase in some cases, and during a meeting with lawmakers, even called for taking away guns first and giving due process second.
Trumps Epstein Connections
This is one that many Trump supporters will blindly defend. Despite using photos of other celebrities and politicians pictured with Epstein, comparing the flight logs, and other pedophilia ‘symbolism’ and applying it to everyone else, apparently, the same rules do not apply Trump for some reason. You know, wiggawaggamaga 5-D chess. It is odd that if we find others guilty-by-association for the exact same things, that we don’t hold this man to the same standards. If this was an average Joe on the streets, someone you hung out with and had around your kids, and you seen him on a plane with and photographed with a known pedophilic child groomer, would you still make the same excuses? Would you still allow your kids around him because, you know, he is just being misunderstood or misrepresented? Hmm…
Well, I am sure there is more that can be added to this, but again, I think I have made my point. The bottom line is that Trump is not “our guy”. He is just another bootlicker for Israel, is not America first, and seems to have really deceived a large number of people. The latest alleged assassination attempt- real or fake, doesn’t matter at this point- has done nothing more than serve as a means of making him a martyr and seemingly solidifying his Presidency in November. This is dangerous, because the same complacency that we have seen in his previous term is going to come back around, with people essentially sitting on their fucking pockets while they await Trump and the White Hats to come and save them. And yes, I question the entire shooting, as everyone should. There are way too many inconsistencies and anomalies that are simply not adding up. If they can pull off the entire Q psyop, why not this one? Oh, but someone was potentially shot and killed, so it must be real, right? Go ahead and refresh your memories about shit like 9/11 and then get back to me. If indeed real, they have no problem sacrificing Americans for their interests.
If you ask me, this is why they are playing the Trump card. The first Trump presidency was to establish a sort of trust with the American people… and despite everything I have discussed above and more, it seems to have worked for the most part. Then, they create outrage by installing Biden to create 4 years of misery so that when the time came, people would be begging for Trump to come back to office. Mission: Accomplished. People are literally fawning over this man, doing cultlike shit like wearing bandages over their ears and other ludicrous shit. However, more and more who are actually open and paying attention are questioning this whole narrative. It would be nice if this trend continued, but I doubt it. Time will tell, as it always does.
Omar Jordan is doing a fantastic job analyzing this whole debacle. Give him a follow:
Bingo. Great points! I've been saying ALL the exact same shit, but hardly anyone listens. It pisses me off so bad lol.
Did Trump re-investigate 911 like he said?
Did Trump stop the burning of cities in 2020?
Remember him saying the dancing Israelis were really Arabs? Lmao 🤣
Did Trump put Hillary and Obama in Jail?
Vince McMahon definitely taught him how to act.
Frankly at age 67, studying my country since the murder of JFK, the pointless and preposterous farce of "self governance" defies common sense. Indeed it takes us to deep mind control from time out of mind. Philosophy grapples with this in the thought of Ellul. Jacques Ellul’s conception of the technological society as one that is obsessed with solving problems and seeking out solutions ahead of encountering them. One name for this ideology is solutionism. Technological thinking makes a decision and then acts according to that decision, even if it means excluding possibilities that would be beneficial to people; and even if the resulting solution doesn’t address any real problem