Frankly at age 67, studying my country since the murder of JFK, the pointless and preposterous farce of "self governance" defies common sense. Indeed it takes us to deep mind control from time out of mind. Philosophy grapples with this in the thought of Ellul. Jacques Ellul’s conception of the technological society as one that is obsessed with solving problems and seeking out solutions ahead of encountering them. One name for this ideology is solutionism. Technological thinking makes a decision and then acts according to that decision, even if it means excluding possibilities that would be beneficial to people; and even if the resulting solution doesn’t address any real problem
Trump does fit as a representative of America, a country steeped in hatred, violence, causing unrest around the world. Donald Trump
“He promotes America as the greatest nation on earth”
If you are looking for a nation with a huge financial allotment for war and ways to kill people around the world, And the country that incarcerates more people than any other country on earth, or has the most breast augmentations, Then I guess America is the greatest when those items are highlighted.
He signed away our future and that of our children and Grandchildren when he signed away 6.2 trillion dollars that went almost entirely to those who didn’t deserve it.
He promotes the republican party which from it’s inception has been criminal. Abraham Lincoln being the first and possibly the worst criminal of the party.
Donald Trump signs $6.2 Trillion Dollars Coronavirus Aid Package “Stimulus Bill” - $4 Trillion for the Federal Reserve (This is how Trump pays back the Rothschild family for saving his empire in the late 80′s to early 90′s) – With AMERICAN TAXPAYER MONEY TO THE TUNE OF THE SAME COST AS ALL OF THE U.S. WARS IN THE MIDDLE EAST SINCE THEY BEGAN IN
2001. He is all for red flag laws and says he would like to confiscate peoples guns and go to court about it later. He claims to be the father of the jab and warp speed in its production although he takes no responsibility for the deaths and injury of millions from this jab.
“He promotes America as the greatest nation on earth” Another false statement, Unless you are looking at things the US is number one in, such as incarceration rates, wine consumption, plastic surgery, or imposing it’s presence by installing hundreds of military bases around the world, or military spending.
As he murders innocent people around the world. Be sure and read this article.
The Flag salute (Bellamy Salute) and National Anthem, American flag along with other monuments and images set up to brainwash the populous are simply disgusting Idols. And people who worship these are idolators according to the Bible.But in the USA, who cares about God and his word the Bible? Definitely not Donald Trump. American exceptionalism is a fairy tale.
American exceptionalism is the belief that the United States is qualitatively and fundamentally different and better than other nations. The reasons behind this widely held belief are varied. The amalgamation of a Puritan history, Protestant work-ethic, manifest destiny, and a general pragmatism have all helped shape the belief that God has, in fact, blessed the United States in a way that He has not blessed other nations. ( ya right!)
Churches, Schools, Government agencies, Mainstream Media, Movie stars, singers and so called journalists that promote these things are identifying themselves as criminals as well.
When did these scriptures become obsolete or incorrect?
Man has dominated man to his injury ." ( Ecclesiastes 8:9)
O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps. (Jeremiah 10:23)
Oh, just simply ignored by religious leaders and politicians everywhere. Now I understand. Scriptures only apply when they fit the narrative of the narrator. Gotcha!
Ok Omar Jordan. I'll go look. I wrote a similar thing the other day, don't know why I bother anymore. Spinning my wheels listing how nasty frumpy is. Also, The Duke Report is helping research types with methods. Such that my dumb ass has some hope the shooting debacle will be fairly clear soon. The word white hats is usually spoken by the unwell willing to lead freedoms blindly off the cliff.
Thanks for mention Omar Jordan's research. Which lead me to Miles Mathis, who particularly resonated. And great analysis of your own regarding this ongoing, subterfuge reality. I find the tenacity and amount of energy that pours into this maya magic-illusion incredible. Desperation comes to mind. They truly can never rely on the comfort of sweet dreams whence they sleep.
All these points are flimsy at best. Vague. Weak. Missing context and surrounding facts. I agree, Trump should not be given a Pass Go just because. But come on, do better. I’m from NYC. The stories I have heard about Trump just don’t mesh with anything you are saying. And I definitely followed his presidency closely. Regardless, I still read these posts trying to see what I may have missed. You too have to be open to everything. Bad AND good.
TRUMP MEDIA stock soars after shooting at weekend rally.
Shares of trumps social media company surged Monday on the first trading day after the attempted assassination.
Shares in Trump Media & Technology Group, the parent company of the Truth Social platform, rose more than 31% soon after the start of trading. The gain added more than $1 billion to Trump’s net worth.
The Epstein photo doesn’t look quite right. Is Melania or whoever that woman between Trump and Epstein that tall with that small of a head? Why are they all looking in different directions? They are too jammed up to be casually standing around.
Plain and simple, we get no choice that is a representative of the majority. Notice I didn’t say leader as I’m not a follower. Yup, words matter. Even if we had a rep that the majority voted in to turn the ship from the iceberg (tyranny), the clamoring progressive leftists would persist. In fact they may be the majority with over half the country getting some form of transfer payment. Yes politics will Never solve our problems as they created them.
Bingo. Great points! I've been saying ALL the exact same shit, but hardly anyone listens. It pisses me off so bad lol.
Did Trump re-investigate 911 like he said?
Did Trump stop the burning of cities in 2020?
Remember him saying the dancing Israelis were really Arabs? Lmao 🤣
Did Trump put Hillary and Obama in Jail?
Vince McMahon definitely taught him how to act.
Did Trump "drain the swamp"?
No, he didn't because he lives in it.
Frankly at age 67, studying my country since the murder of JFK, the pointless and preposterous farce of "self governance" defies common sense. Indeed it takes us to deep mind control from time out of mind. Philosophy grapples with this in the thought of Ellul. Jacques Ellul’s conception of the technological society as one that is obsessed with solving problems and seeking out solutions ahead of encountering them. One name for this ideology is solutionism. Technological thinking makes a decision and then acts according to that decision, even if it means excluding possibilities that would be beneficial to people; and even if the resulting solution doesn’t address any real problem
Trump does fit as a representative of America, a country steeped in hatred, violence, causing unrest around the world. Donald Trump
“He promotes America as the greatest nation on earth”
If you are looking for a nation with a huge financial allotment for war and ways to kill people around the world, And the country that incarcerates more people than any other country on earth, or has the most breast augmentations, Then I guess America is the greatest when those items are highlighted.
He lied about jailing Hilary Clinton
He lied about clearing the Swamp - the list of criminals
He signed away our future and that of our children and Grandchildren when he signed away 6.2 trillion dollars that went almost entirely to those who didn’t deserve it.
He promotes the republican party which from it’s inception has been criminal. Abraham Lincoln being the first and possibly the worst criminal of the party.
Donald Trump signs $6.2 Trillion Dollars Coronavirus Aid Package “Stimulus Bill” - $4 Trillion for the Federal Reserve (This is how Trump pays back the Rothschild family for saving his empire in the late 80′s to early 90′s) – With AMERICAN TAXPAYER MONEY TO THE TUNE OF THE SAME COST AS ALL OF THE U.S. WARS IN THE MIDDLE EAST SINCE THEY BEGAN IN
2001. He is all for red flag laws and says he would like to confiscate peoples guns and go to court about it later. He claims to be the father of the jab and warp speed in its production although he takes no responsibility for the deaths and injury of millions from this jab.
“He promotes America as the greatest nation on earth” Another false statement, Unless you are looking at things the US is number one in, such as incarceration rates, wine consumption, plastic surgery, or imposing it’s presence by installing hundreds of military bases around the world, or military spending.
As he murders innocent people around the world. Be sure and read this article.
Check the list of wars funded by USA during the Trump administration years.
Before you put your trust in a man (Trump, Biden or any other criminal) and vote for him, remember
Patriotism is not a good thing for mankind. You can’t have Patriotism without separation of humans with borders and or Governments.
The Flag salute (Bellamy Salute) and National Anthem, American flag along with other monuments and images set up to brainwash the populous are simply disgusting Idols. And people who worship these are idolators according to the Bible.But in the USA, who cares about God and his word the Bible? Definitely not Donald Trump. American exceptionalism is a fairy tale.
American exceptionalism is the belief that the United States is qualitatively and fundamentally different and better than other nations. The reasons behind this widely held belief are varied. The amalgamation of a Puritan history, Protestant work-ethic, manifest destiny, and a general pragmatism have all helped shape the belief that God has, in fact, blessed the United States in a way that He has not blessed other nations. ( ya right!)
Churches, Schools, Government agencies, Mainstream Media, Movie stars, singers and so called journalists that promote these things are identifying themselves as criminals as well.
When did these scriptures become obsolete or incorrect?
Man has dominated man to his injury ." ( Ecclesiastes 8:9)
O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps. (Jeremiah 10:23)
Oh, just simply ignored by religious leaders and politicians everywhere. Now I understand. Scriptures only apply when they fit the narrative of the narrator. Gotcha!
👏 Thanks.
All of what the author says about Trump is true; However, I have a sneaky suspicion that all of what we see is not what we think it is…time will tell.
Ok Omar Jordan. I'll go look. I wrote a similar thing the other day, don't know why I bother anymore. Spinning my wheels listing how nasty frumpy is. Also, The Duke Report is helping research types with methods. Such that my dumb ass has some hope the shooting debacle will be fairly clear soon. The word white hats is usually spoken by the unwell willing to lead freedoms blindly off the cliff.
Thanks for mention Omar Jordan's research. Which lead me to Miles Mathis, who particularly resonated. And great analysis of your own regarding this ongoing, subterfuge reality. I find the tenacity and amount of energy that pours into this maya magic-illusion incredible. Desperation comes to mind. They truly can never rely on the comfort of sweet dreams whence they sleep.
The CARES act was introduced into Congress a year before the name COVID-19 was even coined
That and other documents proving preplannig are here
All these points are flimsy at best. Vague. Weak. Missing context and surrounding facts. I agree, Trump should not be given a Pass Go just because. But come on, do better. I’m from NYC. The stories I have heard about Trump just don’t mesh with anything you are saying. And I definitely followed his presidency closely. Regardless, I still read these posts trying to see what I may have missed. You too have to be open to everything. Bad AND good.
7/16/24 Reuters-Stephen Culp:
7/16/24 New York Times- Matthew Goldstein:
TRUMP MEDIA stock soars after shooting at weekend rally.
Shares of trumps social media company surged Monday on the first trading day after the attempted assassination.
Shares in Trump Media & Technology Group, the parent company of the Truth Social platform, rose more than 31% soon after the start of trading. The gain added more than $1 billion to Trump’s net worth.
The Epstein photo doesn’t look quite right. Is Melania or whoever that woman between Trump and Epstein that tall with that small of a head? Why are they all looking in different directions? They are too jammed up to be casually standing around.
I agree 100%!!
Yes 🙌 what is your relationship status lol
The question
Is there a true non-kabbalist, reliable, not comprimised candidate out there?
American, and realistic.
Moving forward.
Non presented on either side have this criteria imo.
Plain and simple, we get no choice that is a representative of the majority. Notice I didn’t say leader as I’m not a follower. Yup, words matter. Even if we had a rep that the majority voted in to turn the ship from the iceberg (tyranny), the clamoring progressive leftists would persist. In fact they may be the majority with over half the country getting some form of transfer payment. Yes politics will Never solve our problems as they created them.
What next? Ride out the storm and find a floatie…
The antichrist is rising. Head wound on display. We are watching the Bible come to life.